afternoon in the rockies (awe)
esah einah el heharim, mayarin yavoh ezri?
it smells of dust and sheets of sandpaper and ponderosas
Anna's in the back seat, knitting a cap out of red rock colored yarn
she stitches stitches stitches as the car gets swallowed up
by the archaic pieces of stone in the shade of the hat
it's been so long it's unclear which came first;
hat or boulder
stone or beast
that is, unclear until the car reaches the mountains
nothing, no thing! is as awe-inspiring
as the peaks that have carved the sky
and we recall how small we are
sandwiched between plain and summit
sky and earth
ezri mayim Adonai, osai shamayim va'aretz
[Psalm 121: 1-2]
(translation of transliterated psalm: "I lift my eyes to the mountains, from where shall my help come? My help will come from G-d, maker of all, Heaven and Earth")